Console is an Eclipse RCP-based rich client that provides various monitoring and adminstration functionality. Since we expect new features to be developed over time, it takes advantage of the Eclipse platform's facility to package up discrete functionality as separately installable features.
TODO: currently Console does not use Eclpse features; still the above is a statement of intent.
Usage of console is straightforward:
sybtools -U login -P password -h hostname -p portnumber
the console does NOT use the interfaces / sql.ini file. This is an implementation consequence of it being written in Java. Although it would be nice to provide a -S flag (as used by isql and bcp etc) we felt it would also complicate installation substantially
if there is no password (eg -Usa -P for a newly built server) then put the -P flag at the end, after -h and -p.
The subsequent sections describe the functionality available through the console.
TODO: when we start packaging up functionality using Eclipse features we should instead describe the generic process for installing such features via the web.